Monday, June 25, 2007

Bad things come in Threes.....

Ok so we had the missed bus, (yes I am counting that), the flooded bedroom, and on fathers day Trent broke his arm. Most of you have heard this story so if you have skip this post.

I had gone to Dad's to give him his gift and Trent and Korinn decided to go to Grandma Manders house. They then went to the park with grandma and their cousins. On the way home Trent and his cousin Nick decided to trade bikes. Good idea, except that Nicks bike is a mountain bike with hand brakes. Trent doesn't know how to use hand brakes. Going down a small hill he realized he didn't know how to stop, put his feet down, and went off the curb. They were doing construction on the road and there was a 3 or 4 inch drop, he hit that and down he went. He landed on his elbow, but had no other abrasions. He did manage to do a good job breaking his arm. He broke the tip of the radious off and severed the growth plate on his right arm. At first they were talking about surgery, but they managed to set the bone and now he has a red cast and we will have to wait 6 months to see if the growth plate re-attaches. So now it is official, we have had our three bad things for summer so I suspect the rest of summer will be pretty mellow.

1 comment:

Harper Family said...

That is some week... I think your three beat out getting a ticket and having my cell stolen! Maybe it wasn't the three but the week in Utah.....