Monday, February 12, 2007

Why is it that when it rains it pours? Over the last week it seems that everything is going wrong. First, I replaced three toilets. I was tired of plunging. Unfortunately I am still plunging two. Help!!! I really need to get more fiber into my kids and teach the appropriate amount of toilet paper. Ok gross, I know. Next came the Central vac unit. It has no sucction. Now do I bring in a repair man or do I spend $ trying to unplug it myself. Ahhh the delemas. Today I had an appointment to the Dentist. I dread going to the dentist and since there is no insurance at the moment, I have not been in a few years. I was really worried after reading families blogs and their horror stories. I was quite pleased that it was only a small cavity. Of course it was next to an old filling and so the old filling was removed and a new one put in. After the dentist came the vet. office. Shots and exam for the new puppy, who is very cute I might add. Anyway long story short, the money put away for the new car has now been spent on other things. Why does that always happen?

1 comment:

Natasha said...

i agree! Why does this always happen?